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Customized Advice and Solutions for Wealthy Families

Thank you for visiting the Web site of Galaxy Family Resources, LLC.

Galaxy’s mission is to provide independent, customized advice and solutions to wealthy families and individuals focusing on both financial issues as well as non financial circumstances that may impact them. We are not and do not represent product manufacturers and our fees are paid by our clients. We are professionals that have extensive backgrounds in private banking, family offices, lending, comprehensive global planning, asset management, talent management, human resources, risk management, insurance, family systems, and family consulting. We develop deep relationships with our clients and provide a wide-ranging network to help with matters wealthy clients face.

The current turbulence in the financial markets has made Galaxy’s value proposition more fitting than ever. The ability to provide clarity and strategic solutions to the specific concerns of high-net-worth families across a broad spectrum of issues, unbiased and conflict free, answers a need that is beyond the scope of traditional financial services providers. Galaxy Family Resources, LLC is the next step in the evolving arena of wealth management giving families and individuals the resources of coordinated experts in the various areas that impact both their financial and non financial well being. We act in concert with your professional advisors such as attorneys, accountants, and wealth managers to make sure your team is providing you with synchronized solutions that meet your goals and objectives.

For example, not only can we help with traditional topics such as the fundamentals of investment theory and practice, how to evaluate advisors and build effective relationships with them, and common mistakes high-net-worth investors make and how to avoid them, but we also can assist in maximizing compatibility  with your  advisors through the use of specific assessment tools. In the non financial area our professionals can provide in-depth assessments for individuals, couples or families.

Our offices are located at 100 West Putnam Ave., "The Museum Building" Greenwich CT, 06830. We can be contacted at or call (203) 856-5125

Advice and Solutions

Disclaimer and Warranty

© Galaxy Family Resources, LLC. - 2010