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Eric Philo

Eric Philo is an independent wealth management analyst associated with Galaxy Family Resources, LLC. Eric has an unusually broad understanding of the financial markets.  While at Goldman Sachs, he gained invaluable knowledge of equity market strategies, asset allocation, and fundamental analysis over his thirteen-year career at that organization.
Eric is extremely thorough in due diligence, finding the right answer, and client relationship-building.  This has been reflected by his consistently high ranking in polls conducted by Institutional Investor and The Wall Street Journal  while at Goldman, Sachs. 

In addition to working at Goldman (his first job after graduating from Columbia Business School), Eric has experience working in a variety environments on the “buy-side”, including a large growth manager (Jennison Associates), a family office (Shopkorn Associates), and hedge funds (Brompton Cross Capital Advisors and Shopkorn Associates).  At Jennison Associates, Eric was responsible for keeping tabs on up to 25% of the firm’s $45 billion in growth money, affording a wide and deep view of the market.  Mr. Philo was instrumental in driving Jennison’s strongest-performing year, both on an absolute basis and relative to the S&P 500.   This broad, successful experience and Eric’s ability to quickly identify and solve important investment support his exceptional skill in assessing asset managers.  

Eric is also well-versed in valuing private companies, due to his extensive IPO activities at Goldman, and other experience.  For example, while working for Stan Shopkorn (former vice-chairman of Salomon Brothers) Eric discovered and Shopkorn Associates invested in a private alternative energy company in 2004 whose value rose 600% over four years.  Also, while at Goldman, Eric was a central part of the IPO process of a number of private companies, which contributed to Eric’s knowledge of family and tax issues that often arise as a result of changing family wealth dynamics.

A Chartered Financial Analyst, Eric is a member of the C.F.A. Institute and the New York Society of Securities Analysts.  He has served as a Mentor for the NYSSA’s Investment Research Challenge, an initiative in which leading industry professionals teach best practices to students from the area’s top business schools.  Eric also serves as a tutor at Mamaroneck High School.

Eric received his MBA from Columbia Business School (with honors) and his BBA from George Washington University (honors).

Eric Philo


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