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Galaxy’s mission is to provide independent, customized advice and solutions to wealthy families and individuals focusing on both financial issues as well as non financial circumstances that may impact them. We are not and do not represent product manufacturers and our fees are paid by our clients.  We are professionals that have extensive backgrounds in private banking, family offices, lending, comprehensive global planning, asset management, talent management, human resources, risk management, insurance, family systems, and family consulting. We develop deep relationships with the client and provide a wide-ranging network to help with matters wealthy clients face.

Browse our AREAS OF EXPERTISE above to view our services that are available in the world of Galaxy. These approaches have been successful in providing the advice and analysis that help clients uncover and resolve a number of issues that may affect them. This process can validate their current path so that they may feel comfortable with the decisions made, like a second opinion in a medical matter, or we can also provide additional assistance correcting issues to ensure the clients’ goals and objectives are met. We also believe that one size does not fit all and our involvement can be customized to focus on those points most important to the client.
Family Resource Consulting


© Galaxy Family Resources, LLC. - 2010